
I talked with a fellow life coach, and he said, “Balance is BS.” I had to bite my tongue put on my coaching face and just listen to what he had to say. He said balance is way overrated and impossible to achieve. Trying to find balance only brings stress as you work to find equilibrium in all the different aspects of your life. He tells people they should just forget about finding balance and go live their lives.

 I couldn’t disagree more.

 I believe achieving balance is the core of what it means to be a healthy, whole, integrated person.

 I call it the MEPS balance. MEPS stands for mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of our life. When these four areas are in balance with one another we find inner peace, and motivation for the rest of our lives. The MEPS are the core of who we are. To neglect any one of these areas is to allow our bodies and souls to become completely out of whack.

 The human body is a like an art mobile. Do you remember making mobiles as a kid? You’d take a few sticks, tie them together and attach them hanging from the ceiling. Then you would take different ornaments - leaves, bits of clay, feathers, and you’d attach them all the sticks, so they balanced each other. When the mobile was in balance a beautiful work of art was achieved. If you took one ornament off, you had a mess of string and twigs. The same is with the human body. If we don’t intentionally work with each of the four MEPS areas, we become a hot mess of tangled emotions.

 When I work with people, I begin by assessing where they are in and out of balance. We talk about mental health. We evaluate emotional wellbeing. We analyze nutrition and exercise programs, and we explore spirituality. We’ll take survey’s, evaluate different programs, and find the right  tools that will work for each individual. Finding balance is not a cookie cutter process. Balance looks and feels different for each person. I work with people to strive for complete integration in the four MEPS areas.

 Once balance has been achieved a sense of purpose begins to develop. People often want to dive first into asking what their purpose is. I believe you first take care of your body and soul then your sense of purpose will emerge organically.

 What do you believe? Is balance possible or is it BS? When we work together you will learn the significance of finding balance in all areas of your life.






A Life of Purpose and Passion


Spiritual Wholeness